Ethics Comitee
The combination of operational excellence and ethical integrity
is at the heart of ChapsVision's DNA.
ChapsVision, a specialist in sovereign data processing, operates in both the enterprise and government organization markets, and has the strategic objective of strengthening European sovereignty in data processing. In the context of its activities, and given their sensitivity, the group considered it imperative to put in place a strict framework to ensure regulatory compliance and respect for its core values set out in its Code of Conduct.
This reference document includes the ethical principles, values, and guidelines that employees must follow to ensure responsible and ethical behavior towards the company, but also towards all stakeholders potentially impacted by the group’s activities.
With this in mind, ChapsVision set up an independent Ethics Committee in January 2023. In particular, this committee is tasked with issuing opinions on development strategies envisaged by the group.
Chaired by the French Ambassador, Jean-David Levitte, and made up of impartial and experienced members such as Francis Delon, Jan Kleijssen and Yann Padova, this Committee plays a crucial role in achieving the Group’s ethical objectives and guaranteeing compliance with the procedures put in place to ensure them.
“At ChapsVision, we believe that ethics are an essential pillar of our sustainable success. Our teams work day in, day out, driven by a relentless quest for ethical and technological excellence. “
Strategic direction
Fournir des recommandations sur la direction stratégique de l'entreprise, y compris les produits et les clients visés, ainsi que sur le Processus TAMIS, servant à valider les opportunités commerciales et surveiller les ventes, avec des règles strictes pour ses équipes.
Internal compliance
Inform and, if necessary, advise on the implementation of an internal compliance program.
Priority measures
Advise on the priority measures to be taken based on the results of audits carried out in response to events such as the entry of financial investors or acquisitions.
External growth operations
Issue opinions on the checks carried out prior to any expansion operation, particularly with regard to regulatory and reputational risks.
Alert management
Issue alert notices in the event of difficult decisions for the internal unit, including a professional alert procedure for reporting ethical violations.
Specific risks
Advise on risks related to factors such as countries, products or product end-use when the TAMIS process cannot provide a clear answer.
Members of the independent ethics committee :
Claude Revel is a specialist in international strategic intelligence, geo-economics and foreign trade. After starting out as a senior civil servant, she led a public and private career marked by international affairs. From May 2013 to June 2015, she was the Prime Minister’s interministerial delegate for economic intelligence, then master advisor in extraordinary service at the Cour des Comptes until November 2019. She currently holds a number of mandates and missions. In particular, she is President of the France Sport Expertise economic interest group and Development Director of the SKEMA Publika think tank. Claude is also an independent director and Chairwoman of the CSR Committee of Clasquin.
She is the author of numerous articles and books, gives lectures and is a member of several think tanks. She is a former French Foreign Trade Advisor.