The challenges of the Luxury Sector

In the era of digital and ultra-mobility, today’s consumers, particularly millennials, are hyper-informed and extremely demanding, constantly seeking acknowledgment and immediacy.

The world of luxury is no exception to this trend. Prestige is synonymous with uniqueness. Today’s customers desire experiences that go beyond mere purchases—experiences that inspire and reflect their own values.

Comprehensive customer knowledge has become essential to make them feel unique and valued.

Given this context, the luxury market must reinvent itself by integrating new consumer codes and distribution channels into their strategies. Control and utilisation of customer data, along with an understanding of the evolving business ecosystem, are crucial for high-end brands. This approach is necessary to remain competitive and offer a customised, omni-channel shopping experience.


The Art of Enhancing and Serving the Customer

The sales ceremony is a ritual established by the brand that creates a universe highlighting its history and values. It provides an opportunity for the sales advisor to understand the customer better, fostering a close relationship to offer a hyper-personalised service that meets their expectations.

Today’s customers seek an experience that goes beyond the act of buying. Comprehensive customer knowledge is essential for them to feel unique and valued. Your salespeople must be key players in advising and selling.

By providing turnkey mobile solutions to your sales advisors, you enable them to accompany customers throughout the entire purchasing process: before, during, and after the sale. This makes the sales process more fluid for both the customer and the salesperson, thanks to in-store order taking, real-time stock consultation, access to complete customer information, and mobile payment options.

You offer a complete, differentiating, seamless, and personalised experience.


Empower your sales consultants to be at the heart of a unique customer experience

Luxury must be irreproachable, continually striving for excellence to best meet the expectations of customers whose demands are constantly evolving.

Clienteling is a powerful solution for salespeople that capitalizes on the data collected throughout the customer journey. Sales advisors then become actors in the customer experience. As a result, they offer personalised interactions that integrate an omnichannel model.

This is a relevant entry point for the digitalization of luxury brands, which must meet the new expectations of an increasingly young clientele that is shaking up consumption patterns.


Capitalize on customer data

For luxury brands to offer a fully personalized customer experience to their customers, data collection is a precious weapon: it is the first step in customer knowledge.

But simply collecting data is not enough. The real source of value is in the activation of that data. Brands can feed the different points of contact with their customers, thus harmonising the buying journey and ultimately the customer experience.

This harmonization of the purchase path offers luxury brands a 360° view of their customers, using data in a relevant and discreet way. The entire sales process can be rethought and adapted to the brand image of luxury brands, as well as to these new consumer profiles, which are increasingly young and connected and seeking unique recognition.


Understanding this new clientele 

Targeted by brands, this influential generation has grown up through social networks. 

They are used to digital technology and in a world where everything is moving faster and faster, their consumption habits cannot be imagined without digitalization, whether it is to consult products or to buy them online or in shop. Digital contact is essential, but requires an excellent command of omnichannel and product availability. 

This is also a more engaged generation, which follows trends very closely and for whom ultra-personalisation makes sense. A generation that defends values and wants to find them through their consumption. Their influence is such that they are increasingly leading brands to rethink their social and environmental communication strategy. 


Understanding the latest market challenges

The trend is towards digitalisation, ultra-personalisation, and the creation of unforgettable customer experiences. With the rise of e-commerce and then m-commerce, luxury brands are constantly adapting to these changes to maintain their customer relationships and continue building loyalty in line with their image.

The various restrictions imposed by the health crisis, which led to the closure of shops during extreme phases, have weakened the precious links between brands and their customers. Fortunately, the accelerated shift towards digitalisation has enabled luxury brands to explore new ways of selling, such as live shopping. This approach allows them to preserve part of their turnover without altering the quality of the relationship – quite the contrary!

Indeed, new services such as live shopping reinforce the notion of ultra-personalisation by creating exclusive moments of exchange with the customer. In this format, the sales advisor is entirely available for their customer. It is certain that this new practice will persist in the “next world.”


An opportunity for growth

China represents an incredible growth opportunity for the luxury sector in the years to come. By 2025, 70% of the world’s luxury purchases will be made by Asian consumers*.

In China, the health crisis has not slowed down the consumption of luxury products, quite the contrary. Chinese consumers used to buy in Europe when they travelled, but the closure of borders has encouraged them to shop online.

The rise of an increasingly young customer profile has also accelerated e-commerce. Chinese consumers are making much greater use of smartphones and social networks, particularly WeChat, a key application in China for both commerce and communication. This application enables online purchases to be made, and can also be used as a means of payment.

The move to digital is therefore inevitable for luxury brands if they plan to address this colossal market, to cover new consumer trends, ultra-personalisation and the creation of unique experiences.

Relying on the right partners to access the Chinese market is also essential to respecting its specific codes in terms of regulations on personal data. China’s cybersecurity law stipulates that data must be hosted in China and is not permitted to leave the country.


Data operating system

The data operating system meets all the needs of the luxury industry. It integrates perfectly with your existing application environment and omnichannel CRM, marketing automation, Unified Commerce platform and Market & Speech Intelligence solutions. You benefit from a 360° view of your business ecosystem and customer knowledge in order to make quick decisions, optimise your revenues and build customer loyalty, while reducing risks.


Empower your sales consultants to be at the heart of a unique customer experience.

Digital-in-store: Unified Catalogue, Real-time Stock, Omnichannel Selling, Live Shopping, Salesperson Performance Optimisation, etc. | OMS: Order Management System | Unified Stocks | Web-To-Store: e-Reservation, Click & Collect, ShipFromStore | Returns & Refunds | Store Management | Clienteling

e-merchandising & searchandising

The solution enables e-merchants to ensure that each consumer finds the product they are looking for in record time, while at the same time captivating them to engage them in their omni-channel journey.

The objective is to deliver an ever more fluid and inspiring experience with an ever denser Marketplace offer


As a brand, equip your field sales force to effectively manage your commercial activities and your merchandising strategy in shops. Your sales representatives plan their rounds, monitor and reinforce your field presence in order to improve your sales performance.


Make your customer knowledge more reliable and consolidated. Give your operators a high degree of autonomy and ensure optimal efficiency in customer relationship management. Improve the quality of your services and build customer loyalty by increasing their satisfaction.


Our data-enhanced omnichannel marketing automation platform enables marketing teams to build and manage personalised relationship programmes with complete autonomy, in order to increase customer value. 


A multilingual voice transcription solution, MediaSpeech converts audio and video tracks into searchable text transcripts.

MediaSpeech® also transcribes voice interactions in the Contact Centre. Thus, offering better customer knowledge, better operational profitability of the customer service via automation (reception, natural language, Call bot).

ami ei®

Our strategic and competitive intelligence solution, AMI Enterprise Intelligence®, enables companies to exploit Big Data to anticipate changes in their environment – competitive, technological and legal – and to identify new development opportunities.

Analyse product reviews or monitor your reputation on social networks!

Our business expertise

The ChapsVision intelligent platform aggregates a set of interconnected solutions capable of feeding customer engagement in real time. It is highly compatible with your information system.


Put data at the heart of customer engagement for a sustainable relationship that generates results


360° collaborative and omnichannel CRM at the service of customer relations. Adapts to all the business needs of your organisation


A suite of web & point of sale solutions that meet your customers' expectations and your business imperatives


Support the negotiation, the decision and the development of your presence in mass distribution and in selective circuits


Omnichannel solution that increases customer engagement and loyalty and boosts your growth. Communicate on your customers' favourite channels

Contact our luxury experts

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