
committed to the environment and reducing carbon footprint

From an environmental perspective, the ChapsVision teams are engaged in several ways.

Waste reduction

  • A sorting approach to incentivize reduced waste generation
  • Implementation of the Green Pack: distribution of flasks, stopping the purchase of water packs, cups and disposable bottles
  • Zero Paper Policy, Print Limitation Incentive

Eco-responsible offers

  • Thinking about implementing “green” service offerings
  • Saves energy and reduces carbon emissions.

Bilan carbone

  • Greenflex and Bpifrance have been commissioned to calculate our carbon balance.
  • An action plan is initiated to reduce our environmental impact.
  • The Climate Mural, a fun, participatory and creative workshop on climate change, based on collective intelligence, is scheduled.

Decarbonization strategy

The first carbon budget for fiscal year 2022 led us to put in place a decarbonization plan that included the highest consumption. The group’s action plan includes targeted post-carbon balance actions such as:
  • The progressive modification of the fleet with a fleet renewal in favor of hybrid vehicles
  • Relamping across all sites in the group
  • Control of refrigerant use at different sites
  • Communication on support available for sustainable mobility and solutions for car sharing expansion

Learn more about ESG at Chapsvision

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