The ChapsVision Group positions itself as a sovereign trusted third party. The group’s businesses and the markets in which we operate require extreme rigor in terms of ethics and compliance.
This covers 3 panes:
- Adoption of a Code of Conduct
- Develop procedures to prevent and detect risks such as:
– Anti-corruption policy
– Gift Policy
– Export control policy for our regulated products
- Establish a “right of alert” procedure
- Conduct awareness campaigns for Group employees
- Supplier and customer commitments to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact and the International Labor Organization, and the Sapin II Act
GDPR - Personal data
Strong commitments on the protection of personal data have been made:
- DPO Designation
- Establish internal GDPR compliance governance
- Establishing GDPR benchmarks
- Maintenance of a processing register
- Implementing an IT Charter
- Human Rights Management Policy
- GDPR-compliant organizational and security procedure
- Organization of awareness campaigns on GDPR principles
- Conduct awareness campaigns for Group employees
- Worker knowledge assessment
- Appointment of an ISDN to oversee information security policy and follow-up. It ensures the security of the information system and ensures the availability, integrity, confidentiality of data and traceability.
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